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Sunday, November 7, 2010

Are you now ready for your Vision Board? By: Miss Tee

What is a Vision Board?

Why do you need a Vision Board?

Why you should make time to build a Vision Board?

I remember when one of my friends was going through one of her many life changes, my friend joined a self help group. From that group she learned about a Vision Board. On one of my many visits to her home I finally got to see her Vision Board she would always talk about. He Vision Board had on it a new car, money, furniture, books and what looked like a man holding a ring etc... I remember looking at my girlfriend like as if she was crazy and thinking to myself, this chick has really lost her mind!

She also went on to tell me that everyday she looks at that Vision Board that she placed in her bathroom, and she says a silent pray while looking at the board. Now I really started to look at my friend like she was crazy! Sabrina explained to me how a Vision Board has changed her life, and once I started to hear her story I knew that she was onto something! 

There are many Vision Board workshops in your area go to
The idea behind a Vision Board is that when you surround yourself with images of who you want to become, what you want to have where you want to live, or where you to vacation, your life changes to match those images and those desires.

For instance, Sabrina explained to me that on her first Vision Board she taped the words "NEW JOB" on her board, she would look at this board everyday. She  would look online almost everyday to find that perfect job and then every evening she would look again. After a few months and some bad interviews she still had no job, and she started to lose hope in her Vision Board. Then one day she step out of her box and made a bold move she went to a networking event, and met her new employer there.

Sabrina felt once she step out of her comfort zone and started to believe more in her self that's how she got the new job!  Of course Sabrina also feels her Vision Board had a lot to do with it too! I know, what your thinking because I was thinking the same thing! Why couldn't it have been the Vision Board that allowed her to step outside of her comfort zone? As I started do more research about a Vision Board I was so surprise to learn that many of my other friends also have their own Vision Boards! Not one of them said a silent pray each morning to their Vision Board, but they all started to notice some small changes in their everyday life due to their Vision Board. 

One of my friends explained that looking at the Vision Board everyday made her watch the way she spent her money. She wanted everything on her board and to know that she spends almost $10 a day for lunch made her sick! This helped her to start bringing her own lunch to work. She told me by doing this for a few months, her and husband have saved enough money to take a trip this summer.

My other friend also explained to me that her fist Vision Board depressed her. The board showed her that at her age now, she could've already owned half of all that was on her Board! After a couple of weeks she started to accepted and understand that it's never to late to get all of the items on her board. Now she has set small goals to keep her in the right direction.

I have research online and wrote down a couple of things my friends has also told me to try.  

How to create a Vision Board:
The only difference between this vision board and the others is that this one has clear parameters and intent. Before you begin the vision board, take a moment to hold the intent and the theme in mind. When you choose pictures, they will be in alignment with the theme. You can do the Theme Vision Board on smaller pages, like a page in your journal.
My first Vision Board
Some things to remember about vision boards:
  • You can use a combination of all three types of vision boards as you create. Sometimes you might start out doing one kind, and then your intuition takes over and shifts into a whole different mode. That’s called creativity. Just roll with it!
You can get many items you need to start your Vision Board at your local Dollar Store, Wal-Mart and Targets (craft sections). Also I'm sure you may have many old magazines laying around your home. Take a look at each page and I promise you; your're Vision Board will start to take shape!

 If what your doing in life right now is not helping you to get a little closer to where you want to be in life. Why not try something new? 

Nothing hurts a failure but a try! 

If you live in the Atlanta Area there are also new classes geared towards Vision Boards for the New Year! Mrs Diane Roney of Atlanta, GA.
For more information on her upcoming classes go to or  or call her at (404) 353-1638 for more information on her upcoming classes!

1 comment:

Terry said...

Tee, this is what I'm talking about you are always being something positive to my life once again! Good for you and thank you!