My friend Kendra and Daniel were together for over nine years, and for years they had talked about having a threesome. Kendra, however, was always the one who was very reluctant to move forward. Daniel would buy porn movies and go on porn sites trying to share this with Kendra in the hopes of one day changing her mind about a threesome. Kendra would often try to explain to Daniel that she wasn’t comfortable with the entire threesome thing. She also felt that if she were ever with a woman, this would mean that she was bi-sexual or gay. Kendra was never attracted to women, and Daniel knew this. After a while Daniel started acting funny and coming home late just tripping! Kendra would call anybody who would listen to her about Daniel and their problems.
Kendra knew that on their 10th anniversary they needed to do something they had never done before, and she knew exactly what that was going to be! Kendra thought about asking one of her closest girlfriends if they wanted to join her and Daniel, but she knew that wouldn’t be a smart move. Then she started looking online for all swingers sites, and she started reading the couples’ profiles. Kendra started to notice everybody on the sites looked clean and sane. She couldn’t believe such a world existed, and she had two months to put this plan in motion! She started thinking about the type of woman Daniel was attracted to, and it didn’t take her long to figure out that if her man could have any woman, it would be Jennifer Lopez. There was no way in hell that she could make that happen, so she started thinking about finding this type of woman online.
Kendra registered on one of the swingers sites, went online, Googled a picture of a woman, and posted it on the site as herself. After she registered online, it didn’t take long for her to get her first hit. It was from a 200-pound lady! Kendra got a big kick out of that one, but, of course, that wasn‘t what she was looking for. She immediately started looking for a Latino woman, and it didn’t take long until she found one – 5’4,” 135 pounds, and single, with a cute face and what looked like a BIG ASS! The Latina
hottie went by the name of “Hot & Spicy.” Kendra sent Hot & Spicy a flirt. Two days went by, and Kendra hadn’t heard from her, but, on the third day, she finally got a message from her. Hot & Spicy wanted to get to know Kendra and asked if she could meet with her. This took Kendra off guard, because she didn’t think this was all going to happen so fast.
Kendra sent Hot & Spicy an e-mail letting her know that she wanted to talk on online a little bit more before they met. Hot & Spicy agreed, and they both talked online for a week. Kendra found herself really liking Hot & Spicy. She found her to be a very cool and down to earth chick. Kendra even forwarded the Latina
hottie her real picture, and she told her all about Daniel. Kendra and Hot & Spicy finally agreed it was time for them to meet. Kendra found herself very nervous about finally meeting this Latina
hottie. She found herself worrying about what she was going to wear and how she looked. This really shook Kendra, but she knew she had to stop thinking about that and move forward with the plan.
Kendra made sure she was at the restaurant before Hot & Spicy. Once seated at the hotel, she found herself looking at every woman walking through the door. Finally, she saw her “date” walking through the door, and it was as if the Red Sea had parted and the spot- light was on her. It seemed like Hot & Spicy was on the runway! Kendra had never looked at any chick like that before, but she couldn’t help herself. All eyes were on Hot & Spicy, and she knew that shit too!
Once Hot & Spicy walked up to the table, it was like she and Kendra were old friends just meeting for a nice dinner. Kendra couldn’t stop staring at Hot & Spicy, but the Latina
hottie didn’t act like she cared one bit! Their conversation just flowed, and Kendra learned even more about Hot & Spicy, whose real name was Angel. Finally Kendra brought up the true reasons why they were there. Kendra told Angel all about her and Daniel and what she wanted to do for their 10th anniversary. Much to Kendra surprise, Angel was eager and ready to do this, like that evening!
Kendra explained to Angel she had never been with a woman before, and there were a couple of things she wanted to get straight and lay a few ground rules before they continued this. Kendra had come to realize that she preferred to be the “Pillow Princess.” She had found this term on the swingers’ site. This means that Kendra wouldn’t touch Angel, and Angel would do all the work as Daniel watched. Also, Angel could not kiss or touch Daniel. Kendra could see that Angel had a crazy look on her face. After Kendra gave Angel all the rules to their impending threesome, Angel then told Kendra she was cool with all of that, because she gets off on watching a woman who has never been with another woman before lose her mind with one of the best orgasms she has ever had! And it would be an added bonus to have Daniel there to
watch what she could do to his women. Hell, maybe he would even learn a few things!
Kendra had everything planned out so well for that special evening. She was lucky and got a suite at one of the best hotels in town. She made reservations at her and Daniel’s favorite restaurant. She brought a fly ass dress and matching
panty and bra set. She wore her best perfume and got her hair done. She couldn’t wait for Daniel to arrive and see her. Once Daniel got home she was right - he loved how good she looked. She told him to pack a bag with a suit so they could get to the hotel. Daniel was so happy, and he couldn’t believe that Kendra went all out for their anniversary.
Kendra was going to tell him about Angel at the hotel, but she decided to wait until they got to the restaurant to tell him. After the waiter gave Daniel his birthday cake, she told him what was to come next. She told him all about Angel and also about the rules for the evening. Daniel could barely get past Kendra being down for this PERIOD! He said he didn’t care if she wanted to tie him to a chair just so long as he could
watch. Kendra wished she had thought about that before now, but it was too late, and she had to move forward with the plan. She knew that, around this time, Angel was on her way to the hotel, so they had to get back there soon. During the ride to the hotel, Daniel had millions of questions about the other woman. All Kendra told him about Angel was that she was “ hot & spicy”! Kendra had never seen Daniel so happy before!
Once at the hotel, Daniel ran and took a shower – he was singing in there and laughing the whole time. Kendra took off her dress and put on her silk bathrobe – she still had on her matching bra and
panty set with her 4 inch heels. She felt so sexy and ready for this evening. Daniel came out of the shower with his dick rock hard. He grabbed Kendra and gave her a big kiss. Then, there was a knock at the door. Daniel had this silly sick look on his face, and it was then that Kendra knew she had to take two shots of the whiskey she had brought. When she opened the door Angel was standing there in a skin-tight backless red dress and 4 inch pumps! Her hair was straight and parted in the middle. Angel had the reddest lipstick Kendra had ever seen. She smelled like some sweet fruit, and her perfume filled the entire room.
Daniel was standing there about to faint. His month was wide open, and his eyes were as big as two quarters. Kendra could’ve smacked the shit out of him standing there looking all retarded, but even she had to admit that Angel was HOT! Kendra introduced Angel to Daniel, who by this time had gotten himself together somewhat. By the time they had all had two shots apiece, Kendra was fucked up and ready. She was so horny, and Daniel felt like he had died and gone to heaven! Angel took over the evening.
Angel had moved the hotel chair to the corner of the room where the chair was facing the bed. She looked at Kendra to guide Daniel off the bed to the chair. Somehow, Kendra caught on, took Daniel by the hand and lead him to the chair. Daniel whispered in Kendra’s ear how much he loved her, and he kept saying, “Thank you, thank you, thank you!” Angel walked over and said to Daniel, “I’m now about to show you how to make your girl cum very hard, so if I were you, I would take some notes.” Daniel was so caught up in the moment he couldn’t give a shit what this fine ass chick said!
Angle took Kendra by the hand and laid her near the edge of the bed. She started kissing her neck and whispering in her ear. Kendra was so fucked up she couldn’t believe how good she felt, and she looked over to her side to see Daniel. He was sitting there just rubbing himself and staring right into her eyes. This is what she wanted for her man, and she could see this was only going to make them stronger. Angel worked her tongue around Kendra nipples, gently biting them. She started putting her finger inside Kendra, and Kendra felt like she was going to explode. All she was thinking about was Daniel.
Slowly, Angel made it down to Kendra’s
punani, and she was eating her like a champ! Angel positioned herself so she could
watch Daniel as she ate his woman. Daniel was sitting there losing his mind. He wanted in so bad, and from the corner of the room he kept begging Angel to let him get some. Angel just smiled and kept eating Kendra. Kendra came so hard she felt like she was going to pee on herself. She got up and ran into the bathroom. She was so drunk she threw up in the bathroom all over the toilet and the floor. Once she was done she hopped into the shower. This made her feel a little better, but when she got out of the shower, she heard all of these noises as if someone was having great sex. Coming out of the bathroom, she looked at the hotel bed and saw Daniel eating and fucking the shit out of Angel.
Angel pushed Daniel off of her, got on top, and started riding the hell out of him. Daniel was screaming like a cat in heat! Kendra’s mind was racing – she couldn’t believe this shit was going down right in front of her. Daniel and Angel looked at her and stopped for a second. Angel even winked at her before continuing to fuck the shit out her man! Kendra didn’t know what to do, so she packed her things and left them there.
1. Do you feel like Daniel and Angel were wrong, or was Kendra only
getting what she deserved?
2. If you were Kendra, what would you have done?